Basic & Pro Reseller Hjelp

How is currency converted in my reseller storefront?

When you set a pricing rule for your storefront, it applies to all currencies. Prices are based on the wholesale rates in US dollars and converted using the international conversion rates. The final retail prices listed on your storefront are determined using the appropriate display pricing rules listed in the table below.

For example, let’s say you are selling cPanel Deluxe Hosting. The wholesale rate in US dollars is $7.18/mo. If you set up a 480% markup, the new price is $41.60/mo. Because the rule for USD is to round up so the price ends in .99, the product is listed on your storefront for $41.99/mo.

For a customer using Indian rupees, the markup price of $41.64/mo is converted to Rs. 3086.56/mo. Because the rule for INR is to round up so the price ends in 900, the product is listed on your storefront for 3089.00/mo.

Note: Retail prices are based on the amount of the lowest term. For example, for a product with 1-month as the lowest available term, the 1-year price will equal the 1-month price multiplied by 12.

The table below lists the display pricing rules by currency.

CurrencyRuleRule typeExample priceExample price with rule applied
AEDEnds in 100Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $151.00
JPY: 15100
AUDEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
BRLEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
CADEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
CHFEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: $15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: $15099
CLPEnds in 9Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: $15050
USD: $150.59
JPY: $15059
CNYEnds in 100Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: $15050
USD: $151.00
JPY: $15100
COPEnds in 9Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: $15050
USD: $150.59
JPY: $15059
DKKEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: $15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: $15099
EUREnds in 49 or 99Round upUSD: $150.50
USD: $150.00
USD: $150.99
USD: $150.49
GBPEnds in 49 or 99Round upUSD: $150.50
USD: $150.00
USD: $150.99
USD: $150.49
HKDEnds in 100Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $151.00
JPY: 15100
IDREnds in 9000Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $109.00
JPY: 15900
ILSEnds in 100Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $151.00
JPY: 15100
INREnds in 900Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $159.00
JPY: 15900
JPYEnds in 9Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.59
JPY: 15059
KRWEnds in 900Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $159.00
JPY: 15099
MXNEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
MYREnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
NOKEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
NZDEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
PENEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
PHPEnds in 900Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $159.00
JPY: 15900
PKREnds in 9Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.59
JPY: 15059
PLNEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
SAREnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
SEKEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
SGDEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
THBEnds in 900Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $159.00
JPY: 15900
TRYEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
TWDEnds in 9Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.59
JPY: 15059
UAHEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
USDEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
VEFEnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099
VNDEnds in 9000Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $109.00
JPY: 15900
ZAREnds in 99Round upUSD: $150.50
JPY: 15050
USD: $150.99
JPY: 15099

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