Windows Hosting (Plesk) Hjelp

Importing MS SQL 2008 Databases

You can use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to import a SQL 2008 database not created in our shared hosting environment. Download the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio Express from Microsoft.

To Import MS SQL 2008 Databases

  1. Connect to the local SQL Server. On SQL Server 2008 Express, the command is typically \\SQLEXPRESS.

  2. From the Object Explorer, right-click on your local database, select Tasks, and then select Generate Script.

  3. In the Script Wizard, select your local database, and then select Script all objects in the selected database.

  4. Select the objects you want to script, and then change Script Use Database to False.

  5. Select Script to New Query Window, click Finish, and then click Finish. This process generates the script for importing your database.

  6. After the script is generated, click Close.

  7. Click the script to select it, and then choose Change connection. Complete the information for the remote database server to connect.

  8. To execute the script, verify that the name next to the Execute button matches your database name, and then click Execute!