Add social media share buttons to my WordPress site
Increase the presence of your content on social media by adding share buttons to your WordPress site. Besides social media, you can enable sharing on other services, such as messaging apps or email services. There are many plugins that can accomplish this, such as the AddToAny Share Buttons plugin.
- Sign in to WordPress.
- Install and activate the AddToAny Share Buttons plugin.
- In the left-side menu, select Settings and then AddToAny.
- In the Share Buttons section, select Add/Remove Services.
- Select the services on which you want to enable sharing. When you select a service its icon appears above the list. To disable sharing on a certain service, select it again.
- You can drag and drop the service icons to put them in a preferred order.
- Scroll down the page and under Placement, choose the location of the buttons on your site.
- Select Save Changes.
More info
- The AddToAny Share Buttons plugin has more advanced options, like floating share buttons or a share counter. Check out the plugin documentation if you want to further customize your share buttons.