Web Hosting (cPanel) Hjelp

Reset database user passwords in my Web Hosting (cPanel)

You can log in to your website's databases as one of the users you created. If you can't log in to it, try resetting the user's password.

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Under Web Hosting, next to the Web Hosting (cPanel) account you want to use, click Manage.
    click manage
  3. In the account Dashboard, click cPanel Admin.
  4. In the cPanel Home page, in the Databases section, click MySQL Databases.
  5. In the Current Users section, next to the user whose password you want to modify, click Change Password.
  6. Enter the new password details, and then click Change Password.

Note: If you use a MySQL-based application, such as WordPress®, you must update your connection strings to use the new password.

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