WordPress Hjelp

Choose my blog page in WordPress

Here's how to choose which page will display blog posts on your WordPress site.

  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. In the left-side menu, select Settings and then Reading.
  3. Here you can choose which page will display your blog posts.
    • To display your posts on the home page, next to Your homepage displays, select Your latest posts.
    • To use another page as a blog page, next to Your homepage displays, select A static page (select below). From the Homepage list, select the page you want to use as the home page, and from the Posts page list, select the page you want to use for your blog.

      Note: If you haven't yet created a page you want to use as your blog or home page, you should create it first.

  4. Select Save changes.

Your blog posts will appear on the selected page now.

Related steps

  • In WordPress, pages are not added to the navigation menu automatically. If you don't use your home page for your blog, add the blog page to the navigation menu to help your customers find it more easily.

More info