Basic & Pro Reseller Hjelp

Choose customer support options for your reseller storefront

Step 4 of the Basic and Pro Reseller get started series

How involved do you want to be with supporting your clients’ technical problems and hosting issues? While you may want to offer them personalized service and your complete attention, you may not have the time or the staff for that.

We can handle all support related to our products, and your clients won’t even know that they’re speaking with GoDaddy employees. Our white-labeled customer support services free you up to do what you do best.

Choose how much personal support you want to offer… we’re happy to lend a hand wherever you need one!

Note: Customer support and outreach services are available in English only.

  1. Select View Options. This opens a new tab where you can choose your customer support options.
    Support options button

    Note: To adjust your customer support options outside of the reseller storefront setup wizard, go to Reseller Control Center > Settings > Support Options.

  2. Adjust the following options to tailor the way your customers receive support:
    • Default Market: Select your preferred country and language.
    • Customer Support: Decide whether you want GoDaddy to provide customer support or if you’ll handle support issues yourself. If you’re handling your own support, add your phone, email and/or contact URL, so your customers know how to reach you.
    • Contact Preference: Enter a Contact Email to appear on your storefront and in branded newsletters and customer communications, and opt-in for event notifications and updates.
    • About your Business: In 300 characters or less, explain what makes your business amazing so we can best assist your customers when they call in for support or product purchases.
    • Contact Outreach: Do you want GoDaddy to welcome your customers onboard, or call to thank them for renewing services? Check the box to allow GoDaddy to call customers on your behalf, under your business name. It’s like having a staff of hundreds, even when you don’t!
  3. When you’re finished setting up your customer support options, select Save. Close the Support Options window to return to the setup wizard.